Duan Research Group

Hetero-integrated Nanostructures and Nanodevices



  • Bachelor degree: JiLin University

    Ph.D. degree: Purdue University 

    Research Interests: Low temperature properties of 2D materials and perovskite materials
  • Ph.D in Physical Chemistry, Peking University, 2018

    Research Interests: Research Interests: Modification of low dimensional materials, flexible electronic devices
  • Bachelor of Science, Nanjing University, 2015

    Research Interests: Shape controlled synthesis of PtM nanostructure for electrochemical catalysis and energy storage; Graphene based single atom metal catalysts for water splitting and ammonia synthesis.
  • Ph. D., Physics, Purdue University (2018)

    B. S., Physics, Jilin University (2011)


    Research Interests: electric transport study of Low dimentional semiconductor, superconductivity, magnetism.
  • B.S. degree, Zhejiang University;

    P.h.D. degree, University of Texas at Austin

    Research Interests: Microbial fuel cell; Microbial electrolysis cell; Li-S battery
  • B.S. degree, Nankai University (2012)

    Ph.D. degree, Peking University (2017)

    Research Interests: Building Two-dimensional Superlattice via Intercalation Strategy and Its Application in Nanodevices


  • B.S., Physics, Yonsei University

    M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Seoul National University 


    Research Interests: Low temperature transport in quantum materials
  • B.S., Jilin University, 2016.

    Research Interests: Neural voltage sensor nanoparticles.
  • B.S., Peking University, 2017

    Research Interests: Electrocatalysis & Nanomaterials.
  •  B.S., Peking University, 2015;

     M.S., UCSD, 2016. 

    Research Interests: Photoelectrochemical cell and photocatalysis
  • B. S. in chemistry, Peking University, 2017

    Research Interests: Lithium ion battery
  • Research Interests: microbial electrolysis, hydrogen usage/production, environmentally friendly engines for high performance vehicles
  • Aamir Hassan Shah is an international student from Pakistan. He received his undergraduate and master degree in physical chemistry from Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan. Aamir joined Prof. Duan group in 2019. Since then he is doing research on the fundamental understanding of electrode-electrolyte interface in water splitting reactions using on-chip Electrical transport spectroscopy (ETS). Aamir loves to talk about science, traveling, making new friends and cooking delicious Pakistani cuisines.

  • B. S. in Chemistry, Peking University, 2016

    Research Interests: Nanoelectronics, FET based on 2D materials
  • B.S. Tongji university, 2018

    M.S. UCLA, 2019

  • B.S. CCME, Peking University, 2016

    Research Interests: Nano-device based In situ monitoring of electrochemical surface.
  • B.S., University of Science and Technology of China, 2019


    Research Interests: Electrocatalysis, nanomaterials, hydrogen storage and transportation. swang@chem.ucla.edu
  • B.S. in Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2020

    Research Interests: Research interest:Solution processable materials for photonics Email: boxuanzhou@ucla.edu
UCLA, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
607 Charles E. Young Drive East, Box 951569
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1569
E-mail: xduan@chem.ucla.edu